
“…In December 1939, my father was transferred to work at the Brest Railway Training School, which was reorganized from the local technical school. He was officially appointed to the position of the director of the technical school in 1940 and worked in that position up until 1963.

The last pre-war years we lived a happy life in Brest- Litovsk. Brest became a Soviet city on the 22nd of September 1939 and retained the name “Brest-Litovsk” from the czarist time.

It was an entirely different world. The Soviet propaganda trumpeted about poor, miserable and hopeless life in bourgeois Poland. Nevertheless, Brest impressed me with the cleanness of its carefully paved streets, side- walks, smart lawns in front of tidy fine houses and numerous shops. Even common bypasses looked oddly elegant…”

Translated from Russian by Leo Levine and Sofia Levine